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Delegate Voting

Current Items Up for Vote Jump Height Proposal Results

2006 Results

NAFA® Jump Height Ballot Results - April 8, 2006

Balloting is now closed on the jump height questions NAFA recently put to the delegates. Two questions were sent that were each independent in nature - each could pass or fail without regard for the other question. Those that passed will take effect with the new racing year - on October 1,2006. Pursuant to Chapter 4 of NAFA Policies and Procedures, each proposal must be supported by 2/3 of the delegates voting in order to pass.

A proposal has been made to change the minimum jump height from 8" to 7".

  • A vote for this proposal shall instruct the Board to make all required changes in the rule book to change the minimum jump height allowed to 7" effective October 1, 2006.
  • A vote against this proposal will cause no change in the current 8" minimum jump height.
1,205 total votes were cast on this proposal. This proposal received 945 votes FOR (78.4%) and 260 votes AGAINST (21.6%). This proposal PASSES.

A proposal has been made to change the maximum jump height from 16" to 14".
  • A vote for this proposal shall instruct the Board to make all required changes in the rule book to change the maximum jump height allowed to 14" effective October 1, 2006.
  • A vote against this proposal will cause no change in the current 16" maximum jump height.
1,206 total votes were cast on this proposal. This proposal received 997 votes FOR (82.7%) and 209 votes AGAINST (17.3%). This proposal PASSES.

A total of 1578 votes were mailed to NAFA delegates. These votes were earned during the 2005 racing year which extended from Oct 1, 2004 through Sep 30, 2005. 1,091 votes were returned electronically and 115 were returned via paper for a total of 1,206 (76.4%). 27 ballots were returned with no vote for one or both issues. The following are the returns by region:

Region States/Provinces Ballots Mailed Percent Returned
1 MI OH 127 84.25 %
2 ON 176 79.55 %
3 IA MN ND NE SD 148 77.70 %
4 IL IN KS KY MO WI 113 82.30 %
5 AR LA OK TX 113 88.50 %
6 AZ NV UT 65 69.23 %
7 BC OR WA 113 67.26 %
8 MB SK 84 75.00 %
9 NC SC VA WV 74 75.68 %
10 NB NS PE 65 83.08 %
11 FL GA 68 76.47 %
12 AB ID MT 84 89.29 %
13 CT MA ME NH NY QB RI VT 83 67.47 %
14 AL MS TN 43 79.07 %
15 DE MD NJ PA 60 83.33 %
16 CA 143 68.53 %
19 CO NM WY 19 89.47 %

- Submitted by Dale Smith, Election Committee Chairperson

© 2005 North American Flyball Association
Header photo by Mark Fletcher