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Regional MVP Award
Judge of the Year Award

Regional MVP Award

2015 Regional MVPs 2014 Regional MVPs 2013 Regional MVPs
2012 Regional MVPs 2011 Regional MVPs 2010 Regional MVPs Nominate a dog for MVP
2009 Regional MVPs 2008 Regional MVPs 2007 Regional MVPs 2006 Regional MVPs
2005 Regional MVPs 2004 Regional MVPs 2003 Regional MVPs 2002 Regional MVPs
This award is given to the dog deemed most valuable in their specific region. Only one candidate in each region will be given this award per year.

Nominations must come from a club in the candidate's region. Nominations shall be no more than 200 words, citing the contribution and outstanding qualities that make the candidate deserving of the award.

To be eligible:

  • The dog must have earned NAFAŽ points in that region during the current given racing year.
  • Each nominee may only be nominated by one person in each election.
  • Candidates cannot have previously won the award.
  • Nominations accepted between August 1st and September 30th each year.
  • All qualified nominations will be put to ballot vote.

    In conjunction with annual delegate voting, ballots will go out to voters with only those candidates in their region. Delegates may vote for only one candidate. The winning candidate will be that candidate that earns the most returned votes from its region. Winners will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

    To nominate a dog for your regional MVP:
    Nominations are open from August 1st to September 30th!

    -   Complete NAFA's online nomination form - only available August 1st through September 30th.

    Note: The rulebook states that nominations for the MVP Award must come from a Club, and the only person that can act with NAFA on behalf of a Club is the Owner. So if you are nominating a dog for MVP and are NOT a Club Owner, please make sure that you have the permission/support from your Club Owner first. If you have the Club Owner's permission you can move past the warning on the online form and submit your nomination.

    © 2005 North American Flyball Association
    Header photo by Todd Minnella